
Welcome to Xiamen Peaks Electric Co., Ltd official website
Temperature And Humidity Controller
SCHP10 Series Of Dehumidifier 15W
SCHP10 series of dehumidifier for the switchgear is exclusively designed to prevent conden…
SCHP20(30W) Dehumidifier
CHP20 seriesof dehumidifier for the switchgear is exclusively designed to preventcondensat…
SCHP30 Series Of Dehumidifier 60W
SCHP30 series of dehumidifier for the switchgear is exclusively designed to preventcondens…
CD10 Condensation Prevention Controller
The CD10 condensation prevention controller can control the heater to work by comparing th…
Contact Information:

Xiamen Peaks Electric Co., Ltd.

South 4F, No.25 Xiangyue road, Xiangan Park, Torch Hi-tech Zone, Xiamen, P.R.C


Phone:+86 592 7806066,7806566

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